Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday 4:21 PM
Summer of Service is over!!!! I wish I could have updated this earlier but we didn't have time to go into Antony. But now we have made it to the Gault de Foret and there's wireless here! Woohoo!!! The last week of camp went really well - my friend John from Uganda came back on Tuesday and we got to talk for a while again. It was really good. We danced quite a bit which was nice. One night it started raining pretty hard but we covered the speakers and kept going. Kathleen told her testimony and then we danced our duet and in the middle of the dance the rain stopped and there was a double rainbow right across the Eiffel Tower. THAT was amazing. I talked to some other people but mostly got smile nod smile "ok thanks" walk away. Oh well. But overall it was an amazing experience. It was very different from anything I've done before which was good I think. I've been learning a ton about myself and God and I'm glad I have this next week to sort through my thoughts. The Gault de Foret is beautiful. Its this little village with old stone houses surrounded by farms and forests. It's really really peaceful and lovely. I feel like there's more to say but I'm not sure what so ask questions! I can't wait to see you all soon!
Love from Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Allison asks:
    What has been your favorite thing so far? Do they have French Fries? ha ha

    William asks:
    What is the food like? What's the cheese like? Do they have pizza?
    OK we're getting silly now...

    Mom asks : Are you continuing your mission this week? What new friends have you made? Would you do this again? Would you recommend it to others?
